The Perfect Pair's End of Year Awards Ceremony serves as an annual celebration to recognize both chapter and individual achievements of the year. The ceremony also reflects on the remarkable initiatives and projects completed throughout the year highlighting our community's dedication and impact. This year, we recognized 16 individuals, 2 communities, and 7 chapters on 5/11/24. The ceremony was a wonderful testament to all the hard work and passion of everyone at Perfect Pair. Don’t miss the recording of our ceremony at the bottom!
Individual Awards
Outstanding New Executive Board Member: Teagan Weindel (DU)
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year: Mya Bachan (UCF) and Owen Baughman (Drexel)
Outstanding Executive Board Member: Loryn Davidson (UM) and Elizabeth Roberts (Loyola)
Perfect Pair Spirit Award: Audrey Newman (Boston)
Mary Grannan Award: Johanna Pribell and Alice Green (UCF)
Leader of the Year: Rowan Waring (Boston)
Mentor of the Year: Judy Topp (UGA), Roy Maack (UCF), and Alice Green (UCF)
Outstanding Community Partner of the Year: Villas of Killearn (FSU), and Independence Village (MSU)
Outstanding Chapter Coach of the Year: Briana Hay (National)
Outstanding National Team Coordinator of the Year: Maddie Ebstein (National)
Outstanding National Team Director of the Year: Lizzy Rueppel (National)
Top Fundraiser: Jilly Popovich (Loyola)
Chapter Awards
Best Social Media Presence: University of Georgia
Most Creative Fundraisers: University of Michigan
Best Community Events: University of Central Florida
Most Spirited Chapter: Denver University
Most Resilient Chapter: Loyola University Chicago
New Chapter of the Year: University of Houston
Chapter of the Year: Boston (soon to be Northeastern)
Congrats to all our 2023-24 winners, we are so proud of your achievements and support of Perfect Pair!